Diagnostic Wax-Ups


Increase Treatment Acceptance

Not everyone is an expert on dental restorations, which is why they come to you! It is extremely difficult for patients to picture the end result of their treatment. You can give them a preview of their smile with a diagnostic wax-up from Mustard Seed Dental. Diagnostic wax-ups are also a valuable aspect of restorative fabrication for our dental team.


Increased Patient Acceptance

Your patient most likely won’t be able to picture how their smile will turn out. Since they are only able to see the estimated cost of their treatment and not how their smile will look after, they may lean towards postponing or skipping it altogether. Avoid this outcome and increase treatment acceptance by giving them a preview of their smile with a diagnostic wax-up from Mustard See Dental!

Superior Outcome

Diagnostic wax-ups aren’t just a resource for your practice. They also serve as a guide for our lab during the fabrication of the final prosthesis, ensuring extreme precision and a final restoration that accurately achieves your specifications.

Show Your Patients the Importance of Your Prescribe Treatment!

It’s easy to include Mustard Seed Dental’s diagnostic wax-ups with any case. Get in touch with our team today. We are excited to meet you and help you get started.