Surgical Guides
Safe, Efficient, & Predictable Implant Surgeries
The team at Mustard Seed Dental believes that implant restorations are excellent options for a large portion of dental patients. However, implant failure and poorly executed implant surgeries can severely impact patient satisfaction and overall well-being. To eliminate the risks associated with implant surgery, our team offers custom-made surgical guides and case planning.
Increased Accuracy
Surgical guides function by placing pilot holes directly where the implant should be placed in your patient’s full or partially edentulous ridge. By using a surgical guide, you can drastically increase the precision with which you place implants. This precision will reduce surgery time and also help limit any trail and error that may occur during surgery.
Case Planning
You’re the expert when it comes to patient care and implant surgery. Our team are the experts in terms of dental restorations. Through case planning, we can combine our expertise to ensure the best possible outcome for your patient. Our case planning service use clear and proper communication between your dental practice and our lab team. We work alongside you and provide all necessary tools and resources to formulate a treatment plan that covers every aspect of implant surgery.
Free-hand implant placement leaves room for human error. It requires extreme precision during implant surgery and often results in your patient spending longer in surgery than necessary. Our surgical guides offer peace of mind and reduced stress for every surgery.
Ensure Precision for Every Implant Surgery!
It’s easy to get started on case planning with Mustard Seed Dental. Get in touch with our team today. We are excited to meet you and help you get started.